
Paleopathologist in Action

Back from a holiday to the third century, Printer Error contracted a mysterious disease. In his fevered delusions, he dreamed of notes flowing from the Communication Feed, and wrapping like a turban around his head. The sounds dissolved into his glass of water while he sipped it and drank the caustically sonorous contents. So, please press your ears against Printer Error's delirium and get a taste of what he imagines he is hearing.

Morning Song by printererror123


Wipe Off the Dust

Once thought only tasteless, Printer Error 123 is now voiceless too. Don't let that fool you, he's not going silent on the Communication Feed. Instead the noise is coming through loud and clear, with some extra hum and buzz picked up along the way. Injecting into an acoustic vibracity near you, we now present "Stagnation Permutation."

Stagnation Permutation by printererror123


Urgent Warning

CAUTION - It has come to our attention that to experience the optimum sonic density and oscillation fascination, volume should be raised to its maximum output velocity.
-The Management


Minor Poetry of Contemporary Antiquity

Planned and carefully orchestrated the placement of the piranha pit was not, and regrettably so. However, due to luck and happenstance, this works out fortunately for you, dear reader. Printer Error 123 fell in, leaving behind his tape player, only slight worse for wear, and now you can delight in the finding.

Pieces for Leeches by printererror123


The Anvil Has Stuck Its First Chord

The Forge is now open, with fire burning and the anvil in place. The first metal craft emerges from the flame. The light might be bright, but don't let that discourage you. This is the first step of many and it only gets hotter the deeper you go. Now, get busy and inject yourself into the communication feed.

Cite Sores by printererror123


The Welcome-O-Matic

A hallway stretches itself out, covering your entire field of vision, no matter how inconsiderate you might find this intrusion into your life and eyesight. With no choice but to follow it, you walk down its seeming endlessness. Congratulations! You've just entered Printer Error 123. Enjoy your stay. You're welcome here for as long as you wish. You can take a dip in the sink if you need to wash up and the couch is always open to sleep, though it is a little lumpy and I did promise it to the Chupacabra for tonight, but tomorrow it should be free. Relax and have a good time as you take what you need, everything is free, and try slipping into something more comfortable. May I recommend a meditative state of sonic density?